It is amazing how much Annaleigh has changed in
the last two months - when we brought her home she ate and slept (good thing too!), now she keeps us constantly entertained!

At her two month appointment, she weighed 11 pounds 2 ounces and was 21 inches long. This month she did the most exciting thing yet - she started to smile! She loves to smile at Mommy and Daddy, and occasionally gives us a laugh too. Annaleigh has started to reach for things that hang above her. She has a bouncy chair with animals above it, and she loves to stare at the
animals and try to grab them. She also plays the "kissy game" I give her kisses on her cheek and then bring her face to mine and right before making contact she opens her mouth! (I'm sure she is hoping for food, but I prefer to think that she is giving kisses.) Her favorite place at night is the "nook" - snuggled in Daddy's arms.