Here are a few things that have made this month so fun and full of changes:
- Annaleigh is
thisclose to crawling - she can gets up on her hands a knees and rocks - she recently figured out how to move her legs, but has not mastered the hands yet-She loves to feed herself - cheerios, bananas, blueberries - anything small that she can pick up- We found the first food she doesn't like - pork loin (honestly it wasn't that good - maybe she would like it if I was a better cook)
-Annaleigh gets distracted by her so-suckable thumb while trying to get the food from her tray to her mouth-the sippy cup has been mastered! She still fusses a bit about drinking formula out of the cup, but LOVES applejuice (like mother like daughter)-Hide and seek is her new favorite game- The dogs provide lots of entertainment. Annaleigh yells at them until they look at her and then laughs like a maniac-She also loves the bath tub, espceially when we spray water on her.
This dog isn't safe from the drool (Dutch and Emory, watch out!)