This month - once again- has been full of changes. Annaleigh has been "cruising' along the couch and coffee table for a while now, but this month she started to take steps all by herself. She is still pretty wobbly, but she is quite proud of herself! Crawling is still the favored mode of moving, and I think it will stay that way until she can walk faster than she can crawl. If you haven't noticed yet, she has two bottom chompers, and keeps sucking in her top lip like the top gums are hurting. I think it will just be a matter of time until she has some top teeth too. (I will be glad when AJ stops singing that annoying "All I want for Christmas" song too!)
I think one of my favorite things that she has started to do is crawl to someone to pull herself up on their legs. She looks straight up at you with the cutest face - who can resist picking her up?
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